The Wellness Mama Podcast

What No One Tells You About Cancer With The Conscious Oncologist Dr. Katie Deming

September 02, 2024 Katie Wells/Dr. Katie Deming Episode 849

Episode Highlights With Dr. Katie Deming

  • How she was a professional athlete before transitioning to her current work
  • Her background in neuroscience and biology and how she ended up in medicine
  • A fascinating shared death experience that shifted the course of her life and her work
  • Why she feels that we might be completely off base with some aspects of current models
  • The connection between emotional trauma and physical illness
  • What the radical remission data says- it’s so fascinating!
  • Two things people with spontaneous recovery have in common (hint: it has to do with emotions)
  • The startling statistic that 1 in 3 women and 1 in 2 men will get cancer in their lifetime in most industrialized countries
  • How our modern life is contributing to illness across the board, not just cancer
  • How light, lifestyle, stress, and other factors contribute to illness
  • Her take on sunscreen and sunglasses and why to consider avoiding them
  • Cancer is an imbalance of increased toxicity in the body and decreased immune function
  • Though it isn’t our fault, it is our responsibility 
  • A reframe to think about emotional trauma
  • How techniques that deal with the subconscious can be helpful
  • What PsychK is and how it can be helpful

Resources We Mention

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