The Wellness Mama Podcast

What Every Parent Should Know Before Having Their Kid (Or Themselves) Take a Genetic Test with Dr. Erika Gray

Katie Wells/Dr. Erika Gray Episode 903

Episode Highlights with Dr. Erika Gray

  • Understanding privacy concerns with genetic testing, especially in light of the security breach with a major DNA company recently 
  • Samples sent to testing companies are de-identified and not connected to personal data
  • Security concerns and how to make sure yours is safe
  • How their specific testing has layers of encryption and is not even mined for data
  • You can use an alias on your genetic testing 
  • The limits of genetic testing and what it can and can’t tell us 
  • Genetics is a screening tool and not a diagnostic tool — related to cancer risk and expression
  • More related to choline and how this can be really beneficial for focus and attention 

Resources We Mention

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